Dream Big, Start Small
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Support for small business in Sackville can be found all over. Just ask Jennifer O’Quinn (right), a business development officer with CBDC Blue Water. She states, “We support people starting or expanding their business by offering consulting, training, and financing.” O’Quinn suggests to entrepreneurs, “Dream big, start small, and develop your business and grow it as you progress to reach that big dream.”
She comments on Sackville’s continued growth, a trend noted by Champniss (centre) of SBA as well. Champniss explains, “Despite the rapid growth, we still have a very tight-knit community and small-town feeling, so you get the best of both worlds here in Sackville.” Champniss recommends reaching out to SBA early on in the process for support and access to information. “We are here to help! We are very knowledgeable about our business community and have lots of resources and contacts we can tap into for support.”